Mon 27 Jan
____________ F I N E R ________ SIDE ____of ________L I F E _____ HOT AssZZ_____ MILF-O-LICIOUS - 33
(Baytown, Houston, O U T C A L L - Baytown LA Porte Kemah, The Woodlands)
XxX KRISSA MILIAN XxX Rookie Entertainer of the year ~*~~ Dreaming of Being with a PORN STAR??? - 28
(Columbia, SC)
Relax With Kali Shore & Let Your Troubles Slip Away Into Paradise!!! $$$ - 27
(Macon, Exit 169- Macon/Riverside Dr.)
~__ S__W__E __E__T __~__S__ E__X__X__Y __~__ A__N__D __~__ I__N__D__E__ P__E__N__ D__E__N __T__~ - 23
(Macon, macon Riverside dr.)
★☆§PaNkABL€ BoOt¥ •☆• ((SuPeR BaDD)) •☆• §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ ☆★ - 19
(Macon, Riverside Drive (Macon)/Exit 169)
Early bird SPECIALS QV50🌟🌟Come play in paradise 👅💋💋TOP services provided💦💦 - 23
(Macon, Warner robins watson blvd)
💞 AmaZing 👌 BiG BoOtY💞 Thick CuTie 👌 🙌 Miss DiamonD DoLL💎 AvAiLAbLe NOW! - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland, OH)
×°x°× S I M P L Y ♥ S T U N N I N G . . $ 6 0 s p e c i a l s ! ! ×°x°× - 23
theCANDY SHOP© IZ OPEN... young&sexy; destiny...Hot and ready... lunch special 216-925-7894 - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland/parma/shaker/indep/richmond)
THE Chocolate Factory - Daytime Specials - Over 20 Brick House Babes to pick from - 21
(Chocolate City)
[[LOW SPECIALS]] ==► SO S E X Y K.I.N.K.Y && W.I.L.D ◄ == [[WELL REVIEWED]] - 23
(___Mentor/Willoughby Incall ___)
NATURAL PLEASEr ♡ Come Find Out What You've Been Missing ♡ Certified, Qualified & Worth It! - 25
(Landmark Alexandria incall outcall, Northern Virginia)
100 SpEciAl _GORGEOUS :bLoNdE: LATINA!!!! *ReAdY aNd WiLLiNg!* __NO RUSH BABY!__ ((24hrs)) ♥ - 27
(Cleveland, AiRpORt ArEa)
------- ((( 100% satisfaction is my #1 priority )))----------- - 24
(Cleveland, West &East; Cleveland)
100% Me Or iTs FrEe ☆ J*E*S*S ★ AvAiLaBlE ALL DaY (LiMiTeD TiMe ★ BEST RATES IN TOWN - 22
(Cleveland, WiLLOuGhBy/MeNtOr)
SEXY TAN Danielle!!! Mon, Tues & Wed Evening! Call now you don't wanna miss me!!! - 32
Sexy Mature BBW Hostess Invites Mild-Mannered Gentlemen to Watch Adult Entertainment! - 46
(Greenville, Greenville/Spartanburg)
Leaving Soon ♥o°• G—U—A— ®—A—N—T—€—€— D —♡— P—L—€—A —S—U—®—E •°o♥ Tan BuStY BLoNDe! _ $100 Special! - 27
(Greenville, ♥$100 Special - Haywood InCall♥)
Move Over girls Autumn's gonna show ya how it's done... thank you! - 27
(Greenville, spartanburg greenville in or out)
AVAILABLE 24hrs.. **INcall 1 0 0** 100% ALL Natural Brunette Beauty!!! CALL NOW!!!!!! - 24
(Macon, ((IN && OUTcall)))
{ NeW iiN ToWn }} ((== ((=ALL AMERICAN !! =)) &©°((= GoDdEsS =)) ((=AdDiCtIvE =)) ° - 21
(~~ NeWaRk AiiRpOrT ~~)
► ► ►Never BeFOrE SeeN SeXy SLiM TenDeRoNy ◄ ◄ ◄ KriSSY iS ThE Best Kept SecReT.. Shhhh. CAll Now! - 23
(North Jersey, Jersey City)
💖💕🌟💖💛💖☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G 🎀💌 ╠╣ot! ❤️ ♥ ITaliAn EXOTIC BRUNETTE ρℓαγmαtε ♥ 100% Real 🌟💋💎💕💖💕🌟💖💛 - 23
(Northern Virginia, Tysons corner)
NOT AVAILABLE★ S=M=O=K=I=N=G ★█♥▒♥█★ H=O=T ★★██♥▒♥█★ C=A=J=U=N ★█♥▒♥█★ G=0=D=D=E=S=S= ★█♥▒♥█★ - 28
(Northern Virginia, RETURNING SOON(MANY GR8REVIEWS#129524)
•* ✵CLICK✵ *•✪ •*✵HERE✵ *•:✽: •* C l a i m •:✽: • Y o u r •:✽: • P r i z e •:✽ - 23
(Northern Virginia, Springfield)
-:¦:-•* aDoRaBLe *•-:¦:-•* aMaZiNG *•-:¦:-•* aDDiCTiVe •• nEw iN tOWn - 21
(Northern Virginia, manassas va)
100% "" 100% EBONY FREAK, Great Body & Excellent Skills 2 Match, A Real Treat, Stick - - 23
_S_U_P_E_R__ *S_W_E_E_T* -$ 100 _I_N__C_A_ L L *S_P_E_C_I_AL* $ 100 - 23
Ultimate In call $peciali$t You deserve the best - 24
(Columbus, Cleveland ave near northern lights)
❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤ Sexi Sexi LIZZI Available NOW Petite Asian Playmate ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ - 21
(Cleveland, OUTCALL! ..wherever YOU are!)
NEW NEW♥♥ KEEP I't Juicy & I't Talk Back!! Fingers & Toes Currl HERE!!! Try me daddy!! 859-382-0131 - 22
(Dayton, In an Outcalls)
•♥•* Let Me Make Your Week Better *•♥•*{new pics... Nd more cumin soon} - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
Your Frustrations Are Finally Over !!! [HOLLY] SAFE & DISCREET CHOICE $100 IN-CALLS 330-564-7406 - 28
(Cleveland, 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
Specials 💋Sonni★WILD★ [BOMBSHELL] ◆ Upscale & Discreet!😍 ◆ - - 22
(Cleveland, your 🌷 place or mine 😽)
Sexy Sensual Hot Dominican Mami looking to get my fire put OUT REAL MEN ONLY - 21
(Cleveland, westside private home)
▬▬▬▬▬▬✿⎛ SEXY ✿⎛ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⎛✿⎛ NEW PHOTOS⎛✿⎛ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✿⎛ SEXY✿⎛▬ - 25
(Cleveland, Click to find out! In & outcall)
Sexy, classy natural blonde cougar... .specials til 11a.m. only this morning - 37
(Cleveland, downtown cleveland)
** Mentor **Willoughby *** Painsville *** OUTCALLS **OUTCALLS *** Late Nite all over - 21
☆ ____ * S_ I _ M_ P_ L _ Y * ___ * The *___ B _ E _ S _ T____ ☆ - 18
(Cleveland, WESTSIDE *specials all morning*)
R U Ready 2 Have Some Fun!! Special $140/Incall $180/Outcall All Day And Night!! - 25
(Cleveland, Independence or Outcall/ur place)